Title: | Calculate Multivariate Richness via UTC and sUTC |
Description: | Functions to calculate Unique Trait Combinations (UTC) and scaled Unique Trait Combinations (sUTC) as measures of multivariate richness. The package can also calculate beta-diversity for trait richness and can partition this into nestedness-related and turnover components. The code will also calculate several measures of overlap. See Keyel and Wiegand (2016) <doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12558> for more details. |
Authors: | Alexander Keyel |
Maintainer: | Alexander Keyel <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | 2.1.3 |
Built: | 2025-03-11 03:29:34 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/akeyel/multirich |
Package to calculate the number of unique trait combinations and scale the number of unique trait combinations by the total number of trait combinations possible as measures of multivariate richness.
Package: | multirich |
Type: | Package |
Version: | 2.1.1 |
Date: | 2015-09-14 |
License: | GPL-2 (or later) |
Alexander "Sasha" Keyel
Maintainer: Sasha Keyel <[email protected]>
Keyel, A.C. and K. Wiegand. (in review) Validating the use of Unique Trait Combinations for measuring multivariate functional richness.
Function to reduce to functional units, and calculate multivariate richness and functional overlap
calc.mvd(in.mat, in.com, traitspace, calc.ovr)
calc.mvd(in.mat, in.com, traitspace, calc.ovr)
in.mat |
A record by trait matrix |
in.com |
A record by community matrix |
traitspace |
The total trait space for scaling purposes |
calc.ovr |
An indicator for whether overlap metrics should be calculated |
Calculate functional overlap
calc.mvo(in.mat, dups)
calc.mvo(in.mat, dups)
in.mat |
a record x trait matrix |
dups |
dups indicate which records in the record x trait matrix are duplicates |
Check that break point lists are all the same length
check.breaks(breaks, in.mat)
check.breaks(breaks, in.mat)
breaks |
A list containing break points to use for each continuous trait. Categorical traits are unmodified, and should be a list containing the text "cat" |
in.mat |
A record x trait matrix |
Check trait for compatibility with assembly procedure & adjust as necessary
check.traits(in.mat, tr1.lim, tr2.lim, sim.type, filter.vals = "none")
check.traits(in.mat, tr1.lim, tr2.lim, sim.type, filter.vals = "none")
in.mat |
A record x trait matrix |
tr1.lim |
The minimum and maximum allowable values for trait 1 |
tr2.lim |
The minimum and maximum allowable values for trait 2 |
sim.type |
"random" runs random assembly (or if any sim.type other than limiting or filter is specified), "limiting" runs limiting similarity, and "filter" applies an environmental filter. |
filter.vals |
Vector of filter values in text form with a semi-colon delimiter (sorry!) e.g., c("1,1", "1;2") would only allow values of 1,1 and 2,2 in the data. |
tr1 |
Trait values for trait 1 |
tr2 |
Trait values for trait 2 |
This function is very inefficient & could be optimized!
Preprocess data
data.preprocess(in.mat, log.trans = 0, st.range = 0, col.mins, col.maxs)
data.preprocess(in.mat, log.trans = 0, st.range = 0, col.mins, col.maxs)
in.mat |
A record x trait matrix |
log.trans |
Whether or not to do a log transformation. It is recommended to do all log-transformations outside of the multirich package. |
st.range |
Must equal zero. This option may be added in future versions of the package |
col.mins |
Minimum column values to use. "use data" will extract these from the dataset |
col.maxs |
Maximum column values to use. "use data" will extract these from the dataset |
Currently by rounding, which is a sub-optimal approach for many questions
df.categorize(in.mat, cell.res)
df.categorize(in.mat, cell.res)
in.mat |
A record x trait matrix |
cell.res |
The number of decimal places to round the data to. |
Function to match longer lists of trait breaks. This may be a sub-optimal solution
expand.breaks(in.lst, target.reps)
expand.breaks(in.lst, target.reps)
in.lst |
the list of trait breakpoints to be expanded |
target.reps |
the target length of the trait breakpoint list. |
an expanded list of trait breakpoints
takes range of values, and then creates break points for all possible sub-categorizations of those values WARNING: Currently only gives breakpoints for integer values!
get.breaks(min.val, max.val)
get.breaks(min.val, max.val)
min.val |
The minimum value to be used. Can be taken from the data, or can be based on a priori knowledge |
max.val |
The maximum value to be used in generating break points. Can be taken from the data or can be based on a priori knowledge. |
Function to calculate the traitspace using minimum and maximum column values. Creates a hypercubic traitspace.
get.traitspace(in.mat, col.res, col.mins, col.maxs)
get.traitspace(in.mat, col.res, col.mins, col.maxs)
in.mat |
A record x trait matrix |
col.res |
The number of decimal places to use for rounding (resolution) purposes |
col.mins |
The minimum values to use for the trait space. "use data" extracts minimums from in.mat |
col.maxs |
The maximum values to use for the trait space. "use data" extracts maximums from in.mat |
Take a list (or vector) and convert it to text separated by separator. Does not work for nested lists ORIGINALLY FROM MYR.R script
listtotext(inlist, sep)
listtotext(inlist, sep)
inlist |
An unnested list |
sep |
A separator to separate elements of the list. |
Create integer trait values from a uniform random distribution
make.trait(trlim, n.recs)
make.trait(trlim, n.recs)
trlim |
A vector containing the minimum and maximum values for the trait |
n.recs |
The number of trait values to create for trait |
Check that input to mvfd is in matrix format
in.mat |
An input to be tested for matrix formatting |
Main function to calculate multivariate richness. Goal is to mirror format of dbfd from Laliberte & Shipley 2011.
mvfd( in.mat, in.com = "none", unequal.abund = F, resolution = 0, st.range = 0, log.trans = 0, col.mins = "use data", col.maxs = "use data", traitspace = "use data", calc.ovr = 1, force.matrix = TRUE )
mvfd( in.mat, in.com = "none", unequal.abund = F, resolution = 0, st.range = 0, log.trans = 0, col.mins = "use data", col.maxs = "use data", traitspace = "use data", calc.ovr = 1, force.matrix = TRUE )
in.mat |
A record x trait matrix. Needs to be in matrix format, not as a dataframe |
in.com |
A community x species matrix. If only one community with all the species is considered, you can enter "none", and the code will auto-create the community needed for the script. |
unequal.abund |
A feature not currently in script, intended as an option to indicate whether abundance data should be incorporated. |
resolution |
This input controls rounding of the data (categorization was acheived by rounding for simplicity). 0 indicates integers, 1 = 1 decimal place, 2 = 2 decimal places, -1 = 10's place., etc.) |
st.range |
Option to control range standardization. This was never properly scripted and should remain 0. Any desired range transformations should be done prior to this script. |
log.trans |
Option to control whether or not data are log transformed. This has not been properly tested as I found it easier to log-transform the data manually in Excel. |
col.mins |
If option is "use data" the function will get the minimum from the data. Otherwise a vector of minimum values to use can be specified |
col.maxs |
If option is "use data" the function will get the maximum values from the data. Otherwise a vector of maximum values can be specified. |
traitspace |
If set to "use data", the function will estimate the traitspace as the product of trait ranges. Otherwise, the specified traitspace will be used for scaling (e.g., if you want to input a traitspace based on a convex hull) |
calc.ovr |
An option to determine whether overlap is calculated. This may be slow or buggy, so in some cases it may be easier to turn it off. |
force.matrix |
an option to determine whether to try to force an input into matrix format |
Currently takes a record x trait matrix and an optional community matrix.
A.C. Keyel
# Compare functional diveristy between species using the Iris dataset ind.mat = iris ind.mat$Species = NULL ind.lbl = sprintf("Ind_%s",seq(1,nrow(iris))) ind.mat = as.matrix(ind.mat) #Needs to be in matrix format rownames(ind.mat) = ind.lbl com.base = iris$Species pool = rep(1,nrow(iris)) com1 = sapply(com.base, function(x){ifelse(x == "setosa",1,0)}) com2 = sapply(com.base, function(x){ifelse(x == "versicolor",1,0)}) com3 = sapply(com.base, function(x){ifelse(x == "virginica",1,0)}) com.vec = c(pool,com1,com2,com3) com.lbl = c("pool","com1","com2","com3") com.mat = matrix(com.vec,nrow = 4,byrow = TRUE,dimnames = list(com.lbl,ind.lbl)) mvr.out = mvfd(ind.mat,com.mat)
# Compare functional diveristy between species using the Iris dataset ind.mat = iris ind.mat$Species = NULL ind.lbl = sprintf("Ind_%s",seq(1,nrow(iris))) ind.mat = as.matrix(ind.mat) #Needs to be in matrix format rownames(ind.mat) = ind.lbl com.base = iris$Species pool = rep(1,nrow(iris)) com1 = sapply(com.base, function(x){ifelse(x == "setosa",1,0)}) com2 = sapply(com.base, function(x){ifelse(x == "versicolor",1,0)}) com3 = sapply(com.base, function(x){ifelse(x == "virginica",1,0)}) com.vec = c(pool,com1,com2,com3) com.lbl = c("pool","com1","com2","com3") com.mat = matrix(com.vec,nrow = 4,byrow = TRUE,dimnames = list(com.lbl,ind.lbl)) mvr.out = mvfd(ind.mat,com.mat)
Function to calculate dissimilarity between a pair of communities, and partition it into nestedness-related & turnover components Either the Sorensen index or the Jaccard index can be used to calculate dissimilarity
part.mvr.beta(in.mat, in.com, index.rows, index.type = "Sorensen")
part.mvr.beta(in.mat, in.com, index.rows, index.type = "Sorensen")
in.mat |
A record x trait matrix. Needs to be in matrix format, not as a dataframe |
in.com |
A community x record matrix |
index.rows |
A vector with 2 elements, that gives the row number for the pair of communities of interest. |
index.type |
specifies which index to use. Options are Sorensen (default) & Jaccard |
aa Overlap between the two communities
dissimilarity Dissimilarity between the two communities
turnover This gives the turnover between the two communities. To get the percent of dissimilarity due to turnover, divide by total dissimilarity.
Bnes Nestedness-related dissimilarity between the two communities. To get the percent of dissimilarity due to this, divide by total dissimilarity.
A.C. Keyel
Baselga, A. 2010. Partitioning the turnover and nestedness components of beta diversity. Global Ecology and Biogeography 19: 134-143
Baselga, A. 2012. The relationship between species replacement, dissimilarity derived from nestedness, and nestedness. Global Ecology and Biogeography 21: 1223-1232
Villeger, S. Grenouillet, G., and Brosse, S. 2013. Decomposing functional Beta-diversity reveals that low functional Beta-diversity is driven by low functional turnover in European fish assemblages. Global Ecology and Biogeography 22: 671-681.
## Partition beta diversity for two species in the iris dataset # Set up record x trait matrix ind.mat = iris ind.mat$Species = NULL ind.lbl = sprintf("Ind_%s",seq(1,nrow(iris))) ind.mat = as.matrix(ind.mat) #Needs to be in matrix format rownames(ind.mat) = ind.lbl # Set up community matrix com.base = iris$Species pool = rep(1,nrow(iris)) com1 = sapply(com.base, function(x){ifelse(x == "setosa",1,0)}) com2 = sapply(com.base, function(x){ifelse(x == "versicolor",1,0)}) com3 = sapply(com.base, function(x){ifelse(x == "virginica",1,0)}) com.vec = c(pool,com1,com2,com3) com.lbl = c("pool","com1","com2","com3") com.mat = matrix(com.vec, nrow = 4,byrow = TRUE,dimnames = list(com.lbl,ind.lbl)) # Specify the communities to compare index.rows = c(2,4) #compare species 1 & 3 (+1 due to the pool being the first community) # Do the diversity partitioning part.out = part.mvr.beta(ind.mat,com.mat,index.rows,index.type = "Sorensen") com.overlap = part.out[[1]] #0: no overlap com.dis = part.out[[2]] #1: complete dissimilarity com.turn = part.out[[3]] #1: This gives the absolute amount of dissimilarity due to turnover. # For percent dissimilarity due to turnover, you need to divide by overall dissimilarity com.nest = part.out[[4]] #0: This gives the absolute amount of dissimilarity due to nestedness. # For percent, divide by total dissimilarity
## Partition beta diversity for two species in the iris dataset # Set up record x trait matrix ind.mat = iris ind.mat$Species = NULL ind.lbl = sprintf("Ind_%s",seq(1,nrow(iris))) ind.mat = as.matrix(ind.mat) #Needs to be in matrix format rownames(ind.mat) = ind.lbl # Set up community matrix com.base = iris$Species pool = rep(1,nrow(iris)) com1 = sapply(com.base, function(x){ifelse(x == "setosa",1,0)}) com2 = sapply(com.base, function(x){ifelse(x == "versicolor",1,0)}) com3 = sapply(com.base, function(x){ifelse(x == "virginica",1,0)}) com.vec = c(pool,com1,com2,com3) com.lbl = c("pool","com1","com2","com3") com.mat = matrix(com.vec, nrow = 4,byrow = TRUE,dimnames = list(com.lbl,ind.lbl)) # Specify the communities to compare index.rows = c(2,4) #compare species 1 & 3 (+1 due to the pool being the first community) # Do the diversity partitioning part.out = part.mvr.beta(ind.mat,com.mat,index.rows,index.type = "Sorensen") com.overlap = part.out[[1]] #0: no overlap com.dis = part.out[[2]] #1: complete dissimilarity com.turn = part.out[[3]] #1: This gives the absolute amount of dissimilarity due to turnover. # For percent dissimilarity due to turnover, you need to divide by overall dissimilarity com.nest = part.out[[4]] #0: This gives the absolute amount of dissimilarity due to nestedness. # For percent, divide by total dissimilarity
Goal is to create a plot similar to a ROC plot, where at one side, everything is in a single category, and on the other end, everything is in its own category.
## S3 method for class 'sensitivity' plot(sutc.vals, traitspaces, n, com.names = "none", in.pdf = "none")
## S3 method for class 'sensitivity' plot(sutc.vals, traitspaces, n, com.names = "none", in.pdf = "none")
sutc.vals |
A list containing scaled unique trait combinations (see above) |
traitspaces |
A vector containing the traitspace for each combination value |
n |
The sample size of the trait x record matrix |
com.names |
The names of the communities being evaluated (for labeling purposes) |
in.pdf |
A pdf file to be generated, containing the two plots. "none" skips generating a pdf, and "no.plot" disables the function |
Run a sensitivity analysis on the data to see to what extent richness is sensitive to choice of break points.
sensitivity.analysis( in.mat, in.com, breaks, out.pdf, in.traitspaces = "use data" )
sensitivity.analysis( in.mat, in.com, breaks, out.pdf, in.traitspaces = "use data" )
in.mat |
A record x trait matrix |
in.com |
A community x record matrix |
breaks |
A list containing break points to use for each trait. Categorical traits are unmodified, and should be a list containing the text "cat" and the number of categories. e.g., list("cat",2). For non-categorical traits, this list needs to contain the same number of elements for each trait. See example below for format. |
out.pdf |
A pdf to be created containing the results of the sensitivity analysis. "none" plots to the active R window. "no.plot" will disable the plot entirely. |
in.traitspaces |
a vector of trait spaces, if pre-existing trait spaces are desired. Otherwise, the default of 'use data' will calculate traitspaces based on the range of values present in the data. |
# Example of a sensitivity analysis using simulated traits # Set up example #Adding 0.5 is to give even probabilities when rounding n.recs = 10 tr1 = round(runif(n.recs,1 - 0.5, 10 +0.5),0) tr2 = round(runif(n.recs,1 - 0.5, 4 + 0.5),0) # Set up row & col names row.nams = sprintf("Record_%s", seq(1,n.recs)) col.nams = c("tr1","tr2") #Create matrix in.mat = matrix(c(tr1,tr2), ncol = 2, dimnames = list(row.nams, col.nams)) # Get break points tr1.breaks = get.breaks(1,10) tr2.breaks = get.breaks(1,4) tr2.breaks = expand.breaks(tr2.breaks, 9) breaks = list(tr1.breaks, tr2.breaks) # Actually run sensitivity analysis # Note that the plot & results will vary as this depends on random numbers results = sensitivity.analysis(in.mat,"none", breaks, "none")
# Example of a sensitivity analysis using simulated traits # Set up example #Adding 0.5 is to give even probabilities when rounding n.recs = 10 tr1 = round(runif(n.recs,1 - 0.5, 10 +0.5),0) tr2 = round(runif(n.recs,1 - 0.5, 4 + 0.5),0) # Set up row & col names row.nams = sprintf("Record_%s", seq(1,n.recs)) col.nams = c("tr1","tr2") #Create matrix in.mat = matrix(c(tr1,tr2), ncol = 2, dimnames = list(row.nams, col.nams)) # Get break points tr1.breaks = get.breaks(1,10) tr2.breaks = get.breaks(1,4) tr2.breaks = expand.breaks(tr2.breaks, 9) breaks = list(tr1.breaks, tr2.breaks) # Actually run sensitivity analysis # Note that the plot & results will vary as this depends on random numbers results = sensitivity.analysis(in.mat,"none", breaks, "none")
Takes the output results from multiple simulation iterations and plots boxplots displaying the results
sensitivity.boxplots(results.mat, traitspaces, n.recs)
sensitivity.boxplots(results.mat, traitspaces, n.recs)
results.mat |
An input matrix with ncol equal to the number of elements in traitspaces, and a given row containing the values for each trait space for that simulation run. |
traitspaces |
A vector identifying the traitspaces at which the simulation analysis was carried out |
n.recs |
The number of records in the original matrix. This is the point where if every record were unique, the entire traitspace would be full. |
Function to help run simulations for sensitivity analysis. Note that for simplicity, the number of traits is restricted to two, each with the same range of values, as can be done for real traits by standardizing by range.
utc.sim( n.reps, n.recs, tr1.lim, tr2.lim, sim.type = "random", filter.vals = "none" )
utc.sim( n.reps, n.recs, tr1.lim, tr2.lim, sim.type = "random", filter.vals = "none" )
n.reps |
The number of replicates for the simulation |
n.recs |
The number of records in the record x trait matrix |
tr1.lim |
The minimum and maximum allowable values for trait 1 |
tr2.lim |
The minimum and maximum allowable values for trait 2 |
sim.type |
"random" runs random assembly (or if any sim.type other than limiting or filter is specified), "limiting" runs limiting similarity, and "filter" applies an environmental filter. |
filter.vals |
Vector of filter values in text form with a semi-colon delimiter (sorry!) e.g., c("1,1", "1;2") would only allow values of 1,1 and 2,2 in the data. |